How do you feel about your leadership qualities?
Having the responsibility of ensuring so many employees’ wellbeing, success & happiness is a colossal & overwhelming task, but anyone can build their way up to be a great leader.
Today we’ve done all the thinking for you.
We’ve broken down all the important qualities of a
GREAT leader into easy-to-digest bite sizes so you can become your best self for your team ASAP.
The Breakdown
So what exactly makes a great leader?
Holding a role of authority doesn’t grant one a throne to sit on while they order their team around.
Nor are they meant to bask in the limelight.
Great leaders always keep an open-mind, are constantly willing to learn & will be the first to get their hands dirty alongside their team.
The leadership criteria
Your team should see you as somebody they can fall back on.
Clarity & Decisiveness
The ability to know the way, go the way & show the way.
Knowing your goals, not being distracted & pushing for it.
Great Communication
The ability to create an emotionally safe zone
for all your members, not be intimidating &
allow others to share their thoughts freely.
Being respectful of others and allowing trust to grow.
Be the Anchor
The ability to remain calm in stressful
situations and ground others around you
so that you can move forward as a team.
Mentor & Coach
Being there for those around you,
teaching them how to grow and
allowing them to bloom.
The Power of Recognition
“What is the most important thing a manager or company currently does (or could do) to cause you to do great work?”, was the question asked to employees in a survey by O.C. Tanner Institute.
What do you think was the #1 answer?
Higher pay? Promotions? Training? 37% said claimed recognition was the best thing their leaders could do to motivate them.
Promotions being at 3%, training at 6% and a higher pay at 7%.
On top of that, employees who receive strong recognition are 33% more likely to be proactively innovating and generate 2x as many ideas per month compared to those who aren’t recognised well.
But How Do I Recognise My Employees?
Personalise It
Take some time to get to know how your employee likes to be recognised.
If they like words of appreciation, giving them a movie ticket won’t give them the same validation.
Small Successes Deserve Rewards Too
Small mistakes are usually corrected, so small successes should also be acknowledged.
Celebrating these wins will boost confidence and maintain a positive environment for your employees.
Rewards Don’t Have To Be Big
Recognising your employees doesn’t have to come with a big price tag.
Consider lunch vouchers, letting them leave an hour early, a personalised email or mention it in a company bulletin.
Just Ask
Not sure how to reward your employees?
Being asked is a nice gesture, can make some healthy competition and give an incentive for employees to improve their performances.
Simply Say Thanks
Sometimes the most powerful appreciation is the simplest.
“Thank you” is the easiest & simplest way to show gratitude & can never be said too many times.
If you want to be a leader who attracts quality people, the key is to become a person of quality yourself.Jim Rohn